Saturday, March 29, 2014

Food For Fines

The Maywood Rotary Club wants you to bring in boxed or canned food to pay off your library fines!  Starting April 1st thru April 30th.  Available to patrons with current book fines of $10 or less.  If you have any questions  please call 201-845-2915.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

You Can Make a Difference!

The Maywood Public Library Homework Club needs volunteers for general help or academic tutoring!  An average of 25 regular attendees need help with English Comp, Spanish, Earth Science, Math & History.  Although it is a volunteer position, there are a few perks; free snacks every day, pizza or Maywood Marketplace lunch platter on Fridays along with a Thank You/Referral letter and gift certificates for 2 for a movie with snacks at the AMC theaters!  The Program runs Monday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. until June 18th.  To get started contact Jenna Lee Columbia, at or (201) 470-4216.